Regular attendance and puntuality are essential to ensure an effective learning environment and enable students to fully participate in the ongoing educational process. Moreover, punctuality forms life habits for work and family, which will benefit the student. The student is considered unexcused from school until a reason is given to the school. It is the responsibility of the parents to email each day that a child is to be absent.
After three consecutive days of absence, a note from a certified physician is required allowing the child's return to school.
Parents are asked to remember that the overall school attendance (both absences and tardiness) can effect on our Indiana State Accreditation. Assignments can be found in Google Classroom. It is the responsibility of the student to do the work assigned. The teacher, in consultation with the student, will determind appropriate make-up work and timelines for the completion for such work, if necessary. FACTS and Google Classroom are useful tools in finding missing work.